Serving Southeastern North Carolina since 1999
Each expandable section below showcases the ECC projects for that calendar year. Clicking the “+” will expand the project details and photo gallery.
Starway Village has included demolition of existing structures, erosion and sediment control, water, sewer, roof drain and storm drain installations. It also included asphalt (including stone base and curb & gutter).
Click images below for larger views.
7-11 in Leland site included minor clearing, grading, erosion control, water, sewer and storm drain installations. Asphalt paving, curb & gutter, ADA compliant sidewalk, fuel pads, drop inlet frame and grates for car wash drain.
See Home page Video Section for drone footage.
The College Acres Drainage Project was extensive including clearing, grubbing, tree harvesting, existing storm drain removal, diversion of current storm drain to improved storm drain construction. Fence and retaining wall removals and replacements. Drop inlet installations.
Click images below for larger views.
Petco included minor clearing, grading, erosion control, water, sewer and storm drain installations. Asphalt paving, curb & gutter, ADA compliant sidewalk.
Walker Napa sitework included clearing & demo, grading, water, sewer and storm drain installation, as well as asphalt paving with curb, gutter and sidewalks.
Kitty Hawk project included clearing, grading, erosion control, water, sewer and storm drain installation as well as asphalt, curb and gutter.
Installation of force main line.
Palmetto Creek included grading and storm drain installation.
Project included minor clearing, grading, water, sewer and storm drain installation as well as paving.
This project included water and sewer line installation.
This project included storm drain installation.
Waterstone project included clearing and demo, erosion control, grading, water, sewer and storm drain installation. Asphalt paving and construction of a Pickleball Court.
2020 and Prior PROJECTS
This project included the replacement or abandonment of 24 air release valves, isolation gate valves, vacuum relief valves, blowoff gate valves and misc. door repair or replacement for below grade structures. Replacement of flowmeter and surge relief valve at pump station, demo abandoned pump station and existing raw water piping and install new raw water piping and supports.
Tidal Walk is located on Myrtle Grove Rd. in New Hanover County. Our work included water, sewer and storm drain installation with over 9,000 lf of gravity sewer installed in depths at times greater than 20’ and over 8,700 lf of force main sewer. Jack and Bore and Directional Bore methods were used in some of the installations.
North Campus Regional Lift Station is located in New Hanover County. This project is the construction of 990 LF of 10 inch gravity sewer, 3,250 LF of 12 inch gravity sewer, 1,305 LF of 14 inch gravity sewer, 980 LF of 24” gravity sewer, 1,550 LF of parallel 12 inch and 18 inch force mains, a 728 GPM pumping station with 20’ x 25’ Cast In Place Wet Well, Electrical building, all weather access road, site work and SCADA system installation and integration.
This project was to replace the storm water system. Work includes adjustments to water 6″-8″ DIP 475 LF and sewer utilities 8″ DIP 4,600 LF, 12″-18″ DIP 494 LF, 93 MH’S, installing RCP piping ranging in size between 18″-48″ in diameter 9,162 LF and installing concrete box culverts sized 5’x2′. Included are all manholes, connections to existing piping, repaving streets, reconstructing curb & gutter, sidewalk and driveways, demolition, abandonment of pipelines and all other work required to complete the work.
Construction of a multi-use trail from Randall Parkway to Mallard Dr. includes sidewalks and bicycle lanes for the City of Wilmington in coordination with UNCW and NCDOT. Work includes asphalt paving, concrete, erosion control, hauling, excavating, grading, pavement markings, traffic control, storm drain, signage, fencing, utilities, landscaping and irrigation. Includes 12″-24″ RCP Storm drain.
Work includes clearing and grubbing, erosion and sediment control, tree protection, removal of existing underground utilities, site grading, excavation, retaining walls, filling and compaction, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, site water systems, curb & gutter, stone base and paving and pavement markings, pervious concrete.
Complete site work package including, earthwork, erosion control, site demolition including tree, concrete asphalt, water, sewer and storm drain removal. Replacement and installation of drainage system with piping from 12″ – 60″, roof drain piping, temporary sediment basins, sewer and water. 60″ RCP STORM DRAIN 376 LF, 12″-36″ RCP STORM DRAIN 576LF, 4″-8″ CPP 1,580 LF, Construction of vehicular bridge.
Installation of approx. 80,000 ft. of 24″ – 6″ water supply transmission mains, potable watermains and concentrate lines. 30″ – 18″ Jack and Bores, 8″ – 6″ Horizontal Directional Drills, installation of an outfall diffuser structure with directional drill under a lagoon and creek into the New River. Complete with all appurtenances and all associated site work.
Our work on this project consists of demolition, clearing, removal of demo material, tree protection, traffic control, intersection improvements, erosion control, temporary seeding, construction entrance, all excavation, grading, cut/fill, import/export, fine grading, topsoil spreading, including curb backfill, all compacted subgrade, all asphalt work including drive aprons and intersection improvements, complete segmental block retaining wall including all backfilling, complete storm drainage system including all storm structures, piping, pipe bedding, fittings and connections, storm water wetlands, roof drain piping and connections, rip rap, complete water and sewer installation.
Contract – $400K – $500k
This project included the replacement or abandonment of 24 air release valves, isolation gate valves, vacuum relief valves, blowoff gate valves and misc. door repair or replacement for below grade structures. Replacement of flowmeter and surge relief valve at pump station, demo abandoned pump station and existing raw water piping and install new raw water piping and supports.
Mon – Fri: 7am to 5pm
Appointment recommended
Saturday/Sunday: Closed
After Hours By Appointment
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